You are getting ready for Summer activities, vacations, and fun, dropping those winter pounds, or at least planning on it. You’re following the rules, watching your diet, moving more, and you feel that you should be making progress.

But you aren’t. And it frustrates and exhausts you. It doesn’t seem fair!

Hormones could be to blame!

Hormones control most of your body functions. They serve as an internal communication system between cells throughout the body. They coordinate everything from digestion and growth to your appetite, immune function, mood, and libido.

When hormones are balanced it makes all the difference – you have energy, you are in control of your moods, you have drive!

When they’re not balanced you feel exhausted, out of control, and your metabolism tanks. It seems impossible to get off the couch, to lose weight, or just get through your day.

But there is hope! Here are four key hormones that, when in balance, help you to live and perform at your peak:


Insulin is the master hormone. When insulin is at work, the activities of other major hormones are suppressed. Insulin’s main job is to break down sugars and store fat, which is why it’s important to keep insulin’s workload as light as possible. When insulin is working hard, you’re out of balance and packing on more pounds.

To keep insulin in check, keep your blood sugar levels stable and low. Do this by limiting your intake of carbohydrates and sugars. Some healthy insulin utilization resources are: the Mediterranean Diet, Low Glycemic Diet, Paleo, and Clean Eating. Apple cider vinegar, Ceylon cinnamon, bitter melon, and movement or exercise after eating also help control blood sugar and workload of insulin.


Cortisol, the “stress hormone”, is one of the most important hormones in your body. Without it, you can’t handle stress. It regulates your “fight or flight” response, and when cortisol is released it causes your blood sugars to rise. When you are stressed out it’s as if you’re eating high amounts of sugary foods all day long. This triggers… yes! Insulin. See above!

To maintain healthy cortisol levels, it is important to manage stress. Easier said than done, but the reality is that stress is the enemy of a balanced hormonal system. Make it a priority to care for yourself and relax. Find ways to have fun and laugh, get a massage, go for a walk, enjoy time with a pet, or take up a hobby you’ll enjoy!

Testosterone and Estrogen

These are important! While estrogen is considered a female hormone and testosterone a male hormone, the reality is we all need the right amounts of both.
Testosterone regulates metabolism and drive, promotes bone density, and helps build lean muscle. As testosterone drops, so does our metabolism, our energy, and our lean muscle. We burn fewer calories and store more fat.

Estrogen, when out of balance, also contributes to weight changes. Proper levels play a key role in mood, memory, sleep, glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.

When these two hormones are reduced or out of balance, it feels like we are fighting against ourselves and can’t get results.

To maintain muscle mass and stimulate production of testosterone and estrogen, incorporate strength-training exercises into your routine.

Unfortunately, the loss of testosterone and estrogen is unavoidable as we age. When it comes to declining hormones, a good option to restore balance and energy is through natural hormone replacement therapy.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) uses hormones that are chemically identical to those your body produces to address symptoms related to hormonal imbalance. BHRT can increase energy and vitality, balance moods, boost focus and concentration, increase libido, improve sleep, reduce insomnia and assist in weight loss.

You Can Do This!

The good news is that hormonal balance can be achieved. A diet rich in lean protein, vegetables, and fruits; caring for yourself and managing stress, and strength training exercise are things you can do to help balance these four hormones.

And when you need extra help give us a call, we will evaluate you with a simple yet comprehensive lab test and help you create  a customized program for hormone optimization to help you feel more energy, see better results, and regain zest for life!