IV therapy, or intravenous vitamin, amino acid, phytotherapeutic, and mineral replacement therapy is a technique used to get mostly naturally occurring compounds such as vitamins or amino acids into the body in a fashion which is far more therapeutic and effective than taking the same supplements orally.

IV therapy can help reverse nutrient deficiencies and relieve symptoms related to a variety of conditions, including migraines, nausea, and even the cold or flu. IV therapy can be customized to address specific issues like nausea or pain with the addition of medication, making it a highly versatile way to relieve multiple symptoms.

In short, IV therapy is a way to relieve an array of unpleasant symptoms and optimize your hydration.

How Does IV Therapy Work?

IV therapy works by delivering vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream through a drip. This infusion therapy takes place in our medical office, under medical supervision. We also have options for special events at your location.

The process includes an interview that helps us understand your medical history. There is a short physical exam that involves taking your vital signs and performing an assessment.

During an IV vitamin treatment, you get a liquid mixture of saline along with vitamins and minerals. The professional administering the drip will need to find and access a vein to secure the IV catheter.

Once the IV catheter is secured, a tube is connected and delivers the solution from the drip bag into the bloodstream. We will then monitor your infusion to make sure the IV drip is flowing at the correct rate. The whole process typically takes anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

Benefits of IV Therapy

  1. Complete Bioavailability

When you eat or drink something, the vitamins and minerals in it have to go all the way through the digestive system. Not all of the nutrients are absorbed, and if your gut is not functioning well, you lose even more. IV vitamins and completely bypass the digestive system and are absorbed directly into the bloodstream, so you receive the maximum benefit.

  1. Available Customization

While the Myers’ Cocktail is an excellent option for anyone, you can customize your IV package to suit specific needs.

  1. Optimal Hydration

Whether you are looking to correct a chronic dehydration, or refuel after a particularly grueling physical workout, IV infusions are a quick way to restore full hydration.

  1. Immediate Benefits

One of the best features of IV therapy is that its effects set in very quickly. Many people begin to feel more energized and alert within minutes of treatment. Compared to taking medication or trying to get hydrated by drinking water, intravenous therapy has almost immediate benefits. If you need to feel better fast, you’ll find no better option than IV therapy.

  1. Convenience

IV therapy fast and convenient. The process requires little activity from you besides answering a few questions and holding out your arm. If you’re feeling terrible due to a hangover or an illness, it’s great not to have to work hard to feel better.

IV Therapy Options

  • Myer’s Cocktail – Vitamins, Minerals, and Hydration
  • Immune Support
  • Performance and Recovery
  • Altitude and Hangovers – to help you adjust to our mountains, or recover from last night’s good time
  • Anti-Aging
  • Optional Add-ons to customize

Schedule Your IV Therapy Now

If you’re interested in trying out IV therapy for yourself, Peak Medical is here to make the process comfortable and convenient. To learn more about our IV therapy services and schedule your appointment, call us today at 435-602-1034!