Weight Loss

Unlock Health Together: 2 for 1 Special – through the month of February!


Embark on a journey to wellness with our exclusive 2 for 1 offer on BioIdentical Hormone Evaluation (BHRT) all through the month of February. Share the health benefits and overall wellness of BHRT with a friend, loved one, or significant other. A $600 value for half the price at just $300 for the [...]

Unlock Health Together: 2 for 1 Special – through the month of February!2024-02-02T19:44:01+00:00

Semaglutide – Effective Medical Weight Loss


Semaglutide Program from Peak Medical It's being touted as a game-changer in the world of weight loss drugs because, well, it actually works. A large study was published recently in the New England Journal of Medicine showing some pretty impressive weight loss effects in non-diabetics taking semaglutide. 50% of people [...]

Semaglutide – Effective Medical Weight Loss2022-11-21T22:20:16+00:00

Weight Loss and Peak Performance – How Hormones Play a Vital Role


You are getting ready for Summer activities, vacations, and fun, dropping those winter pounds, or at least planning on it. You’re following the rules, watching your diet, moving more, and you feel that you should be making progress. But you aren’t. And it frustrates and exhausts you. It doesn’t seem fair! Hormones could be [...]

Weight Loss and Peak Performance – How Hormones Play a Vital Role2019-04-05T17:20:13+00:00

Carbohydrates, Sugar, and Your Health


Fat doesn’t make you fat, carbohydrates and sugar do! We are told that eating fat will make you fat. NO! It is when you eat fat AND too many carbohydrates/sugars together that causes weight gain. When you consume carbohydrates, they are converted to glucose by your body, the pancreas then secretes insulin to reduce [...]

Carbohydrates, Sugar, and Your Health2019-04-05T16:47:31+00:00

What is all the fuss about hormones?


The utility and consequences of hormone therapy has been considered contentious and controversial for several decades. Often, this is what keeps individuals with symptoms from seeking hormone replacement therapy or mentioning it to a Primary Care Provider (who has broad knowledge in many things but likely has spent little time in or has specific [...]

What is all the fuss about hormones?2019-04-05T16:47:59+00:00
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