Treatments and Services

You. At Your Best.


Base IV Drip – Myer’s Cocktail

The Base Hydration, Vitamin and Mineral Infusion - $129 Experience a rejuvenating boost with Myers' cocktail IV therapy, a nutrient-rich infusion delivering a potent blend of vitamins and minerals directly into your system. Discover the revitalizing effects of this tailored infusion designed to enhance [...]


IV Drip – Altitude

Altitude IV Drip - $149 Our Altitude Drip is a unique formulation supporting the body's acclimation process, making it an invaluable solution for those venturing into mountainous regions or engaging in activities at elevated elevations. With its rapid and effective absorption, this drip provides [...]


IV Drip – Hangover

Hangover IV Drip - $149 Efficiently addressing the symptoms of a hangover, this drip offers crucial, rapid replenishment of depleted fluids and essential nutrients, aiding swift recovery and restoring physical well-being. Get expedited relief by replenishing fluids, vitamins, and minerals depleted after a fun [...]


IV Drip – Immunity Boost

Immunity Boost - $139 Experience increased resilience, reduced susceptibility to illnesses, and an overall sense of vitality and well-being with our Immunity Boost IV therapy. Enhance your body's natural defenses and fortify your immune system with our Immunity Boost IV therapy drip, providing a [...]


IV Drip – NAD+

Hydration, Vitamins, Minerals, and Anti-Aging Combo Infusion - $345 Combining the modified "Myers' cocktail" (magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, and vitamin C) with the Anti-Aging drip (NAD+, Methylene Blue, and Glutathione), this formulation is a powerful mix of hydration, energy, and protective ingredients to help [...]


IV Drip – Performance and Recovery

Performance and Recovery - $139 By delivering essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the bloodstream, our Performance and Recovery Drip enhances energy levels, supports muscle recovery, and promotes overall physical performance. This drip is specifically formulated to replenish vital nutrients, hydrate the [...]


Medically Supervised Weight Loss

New! Click here for details on our new Semaglutide Weight Loss Program. Peak Medical Semaglutide Program Comprehensive Support Our medically supervised weight loss programs begin with a weight loss consultation, complete medical history and lab testing. Then you and the clinician can decide [...]


Skin Care and Aesthetics

Injections, Fillers, and Skin Treatments The skin is the largest organ of our body. Diet, activity and stress reduction are all part of a healthy skin regime, but to achieve a healthy, more youthful appearance takes daily care and likely other intervention. Don’t let [...]

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